Music gives you courage, Music brings you confidence, Music makes you be you, Music makes you bright!
Fei Xia, soprano
Opera/Art Song Singing and Performing
Vocal Artists Management
Artist Biography
Soprano Fei Xia is originally from China. she started to learn piano at 9, and she has been studying voice for 8 years. Currently, She is a roster artist of Vocal Artists Management. As a professionally trained classical singer, Fei has been selected to engage with several professional opera companies, including Vienna Opera Festival, NYLOP, Angels Vocal Arts Opera Company, Manhattan Opera Studio, Miami Classical Music Festival, Berlin Opera Academy, Connecticut Lyric Opera House Young Artist Opera Program, Taconic Opera Company Young Artist Program, etc. In 2017, Fei made her Carnegie Hall debut in the role of Juliette in Romeo et Juliette with New York Lyric Opera. In 2018, she was invited to perform again at Carnegie Hall, singing the role of Giulietta in Les contes d'Hoffmann. She then performed the roles of Prima Cercatrice and Una Novizia in Suor Angelica with Montclair State University Opera in 2020. Her major opera roles include Zerlina in Don Giovanni, Despina in Cosifan tutte, Annio in La clemenza di Tito, Second lady in Die Zauberflote, Pamina (cover) in Die Zauberflote, Gretel in Hansel und Gretel, Manon in Manon, Angelica in Orlando. Besides the opera area, she also sang oratorios from Bach, Handel, and Haydn. As an active recitalist, she gave several solo recitals in China and the USA. She is also a big fan of musical theater and pop music, singing musical theater and pop songs for many years.
Fei recently won the 2nd Prize in the International Youth Music Competitions and had been advanced to the final round of the Lucine Amara International Art Song Competition. She previously has won numerous vocal competitions, including 1st Place in the American Protege International Vocal Competition, 1st Prize in Golden Classical Awards International Music Competition, the 1st Prize in “The Song” International Vocal Competition, the 3rd Prize in Odin International Music Competition, the 3rd in American Classical Young Music Award International Music Competition, etc. She was the finalist of Metropolitan Opera Competition Florida District in 2019, a Semi-finalist of New York Lyra International Vocal Competition, and New York Lyric Opera Theater International Vocal Competition in 2018.
Besides her singing and performing career, as a voice teacher, she is currently serving as the associate voice and piano faculty at WVU Community Music Program, and serving as a vocal instructor at Music to Your Home company and Tissimo Music School. She built up her private teaching studio in New York City in 2017.
Fei earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education from Xinghai Conservatory of Music in China. She then received her Master of Music degree in vocal performance from the University of Miami and her Artist Diploma from Montclair State University. She is currently working on her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in vocal performance at WVU with the Outstanding Merit Fellowship award.
夏菲,声乐博士,获美国西弗吉尼亚大学全额奖学金Fellowship(院长奖学金), 声乐表演音乐艺术博士DMA候选人doctoral candidate. 旅美抒情女高音歌唱家。 美国Vocal Artists声乐艺术家公司签约歌剧演员,美国古典歌唱家协会艺术家。本科毕业于广州星海音乐学院音乐教育系。2013年以亚洲唯一女高音考入美国迈阿密大学声乐歌剧系,师从美国大都会歌剧院女中音歌唱家Robynne Redmon,2017年获声乐歌剧硕士学位。2018年开始师从美国大都会歌剧院女中音歌唱家Barbara Dever并于2020年获美国蒙特克莱尔州立大学颁发的声乐歌剧演唱最高专业文凭艺术家文凭Artist Diploma(学校2019-2020年度唯一获此声乐文凭的学生)。 在校期间参与多部歌剧演出。声乐歌剧指导包括卡内基梅隆大学声歌系声乐指导Ellen Rissinger, 曼哈顿音乐学院声乐歌剧指导LeAnn Overton, 蒙克莱州立大学歌剧中心歌剧指导William Hobbs等。2020年以托福免考和免学费考入美国西弗吉尼亚大学,师从美国西弗吉尼亚大学音乐学院声乐系主任女高音歌唱家Hope Koehler博士。
2017年受纽约Lyric Opera歌剧院邀请在卡内基音乐厅首演歌剧,扮演古诺歌剧“罗密欧与茱丽叶”中的主角茱丽叶一角,2018年再次被邀请在卡内基音乐厅演出歌剧,扮演奥芬巴赫歌剧“霍夫曼的故事”中的主要角色Giulietta,后又受邀在纽约国家歌剧中心和林肯中心首演。2020年参演美国蒙特克莱尔州立大学音乐学院歌剧中心制作的普契尼歌剧“修女安杰丽卡”,同时饰演Una Novizia和Prima Cercatrice 两个角色。2021年开始将和美国以及欧洲的多个歌剧公司和音乐节合作演出歌剧,包括:美国迈阿密古典音乐节Miami Classical Music Festival歌剧演出,维也纳歌剧音乐节(Vienna Opera Festival),美国康乃迪克抒情歌剧院(Connecticut Lyric Opera)年轻艺术家歌剧演出, 德国柏林Berlin Opera Academy歌剧音乐节, 美国Angels Vocal Art歌剧演出,美国Taconic Opera歌剧院年轻艺术家歌剧演出,美国Manhattan Opera Studio曼哈顿歌剧工作室歌剧演出活动等。 2020年入选美国纽约MIA歌剧经纪人管理公司和西班牙Operars Management歌剧经纪人管理公司女高音花名册。演出过的歌剧主要角色包括莫扎特唐璜中的"Zerlina";狄托的仁慈中的"Annio;伊多美尼欧的"Ilia";费加罗的婚礼中的“Susanna”;魔笛中的“Pamina"和"Second Lady";女人心中的"Despina"; 普契尼歌剧贾尼斯基基中的“Lauretta", 修女安杰丽卡中的“Prima Cercatrice";马斯内歌剧曼侬中的“Manon"; 洪佩尔丁克的汉森儿与格蕾太尔中的“Gretel";亨德尔奥兰多中的“Angelica"等。演出过的室内乐作品主要包括J.S巴赫的康塔塔BWV51, BWV68, BWV213, BWV58, 婚礼康塔塔;清唱剧约翰受难曲等;亨德尔清唱剧弥赛亚, 海顿清唱剧创世纪等。艺术歌曲方面演出过巴洛克时期卡契尼等的艺术歌曲,法国德彪西,亨利杜帕克,福雷,拉威尔,普朗克等浪漫主义以及近现代艺术歌曲;莫扎特,舒伯特,舒曼,勃拉姆斯,沃尔夫,理查施特劳斯等的德奥浪漫主义艺术歌曲,以及美国近现代作曲家理查亨德利,多米尼克,李霍比等的艺术歌曲。2017年起在美国举办超过8场个人独唱音乐会。
意大利“The Song" 国际声乐比赛金奖
西班牙Music and Stars Awards音乐之星国际古典音乐比赛声乐二等奖
欧洲艺术家联盟V ODIN 国际音乐比赛声乐三等奖
瑞典"The North"国际音乐比赛声乐三等奖
Music Online Competition国际网络在线音乐比赛优秀奖
Lucine Amara 国际艺术歌曲比赛决赛
入围2017美国New York Lyric Opera 国际声乐歌剧比赛半决赛等。
2020年和2021年获西弗吉尼亚大学音乐学院Valerie Canady Trust Foundation 奖学金
目前担任美国西弗吉尼大学音乐学院Community Music Program艺术家声乐老师,Music to Your Home Company 声乐老师,Tissimo音乐学校声乐老师,以及负责个人声乐工作室studio 声乐教学工作。